Grunt 0.4.3 released
Posted on March 07, 2014Grunt 0.4.3 is now available on npm.
This is mostly a bugfix release. Thanks to Jonathan Krause, PatrickJS, Jason Cust, Fabio Crisci, James M. Greene and Mike Pennisi for their pull requests.
In addition to closing over 30 issues, we have extracted grunt.util
its own module. As mentioned
in the 0.4.2 release,
we are in process of deprecating the grunt.util.*
API. Task developers who use
these APIs should update their plugins to use the libraries recommended in
the grunt-legacy-util README.
You may use grunt-legacy-util
directly as a stopgap, but we will no longer be supporting it.
For a full list of changes, see the 0.4.3 changelog here.
Happy Grunting!